Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bin Ladin Terrorises Stains in Advertising Deal

Osama Bin Ladin; film-maker, cave-dweller, and moreso; terrorist, announced today that he will be the new spokesman for industrial stain remover, 'Napisan Plus'.

'When you make a lot of films like me, you need to keep your image up', Osama told the Far Side.

'Napisan is the only thing I trust to get all the stains out of my turban.'

The marketing deal comes after Osama released another internet-film detailing his dismal forecast for the US last week.

Although; Osama didn't think his bad press in the US and Australia would challenge the sales response.

'Americans have been doing sales with terrorists for years; Saddam back in the eighties, and McDonalds even now.'

'If they watch shows like the OC, eat themselves to death on KFC's chicken/rabbit/camel pieces, and idolise people like Paris Hilton, I don't see why they won't be buy my ads', told Osama.

'I think plenty of American soldiers will be happy to finally find a stain remover that washes blood straight out!' added the terrorist.

The above is entirely fictional and represents no view held by the Far Side of the Other Side or any other free-thinking, anti-capitalist counterpart.


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